Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Kick, Big Shot Machine Sandwich Options

Hi Everyone!

Attached are some videos about the Sizzix Big Kick/Big Shot machine and the sandwich layers needed for certain dies. I have also included a link to a document that you can download the information in written form here:

These videos were made upon request. I apologize for the length, and poor camera work in advance.

Thanks for watching!


  1. Thanks for this info Laurel! I look forward to the info on your sidebar too. It's so confusing to figure out which is which and what is best! Thanks for shedding light on the subject for us non scrappers!

  2. You did good Laurel, it makes me want to go and find one to buy...maybe I'll start to save up?
    Paula was right about seeing all those haul vids{we were in JoAnns the other day and hubby was at the counter and just before it was his turn some lady gave him a sheet of coupons and I was smiling because he actually used two of them and when we got in the car I was already looking at stuff and he decided to go back in with the coupons and let someone else have them}!
    I've been looking at things to buy and thinking of things to make to send you and I realized I had not asked you about Form Spring/Spring Form, would I have to create an account to ask questions? Happy Happies. Coupons Rock!

  3. Joyce,

    Thanks for your comment! You can ask any question you like , right here....
